Thursday, December 18, 2008

thurday pyzam


Thursday, December 11, 2008

New Year is Almost Here

New years is almost here and so is 2009. Now all the technology is going to be better and even more advanced. LIke the T.V. network is going to powered by a network box that holds all the connections of the channels on your T.V. So if you have a t.v that isn't powered by a box then you need to get a t.v that does. Like a flat screen t.v or a t.v. that has any kind of box powered connection. Si get alll your money saved and get your new and maybe affordable things that are coming out next year. So get ready everybody cause 2009 IS ALMOST HERE!!!!

Friday, December 5, 2008

GM Car Motors Are Making New Cars

Car companies are trying to make new cars that run on electricity like a hybrid but better. The cars they are trying to make only run on electricity and not gas. Hybrid cars run on electricity and gas not just electricity. So that is GM and other car companies' main goal. This decision will cost a lot of money but they think that making new cars at a afordable price will make more people get their new cars. But with the economy problems I don't think anybody will buy the cars even if they are cheep. I think we should save money on important things like food and house bills because there is many people who are losing their houses because they haven't paid their house bill. So save money and live you life!!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Man Killed By Stampeed of Shoppers

A man that worked in Walmart in New York was killed by a ton of people running over him on black friday. His colleages say that when a lot of people came to the door of the store they pushed the door open and ran over the man who was sweeping or cleaning before they opened. The people were inconsiderate and didn't think about what damage they caused. Even a pregnant woman lost her baby because somebody pushed her and she fell and lost her baby. She was very hurt and was sad to lose her baby over a stampeed of people. I don't think they should of gave the people who started this terrible thing a chance to buy anything for causing so much damage. The man who was reported dead after an hour after he got ran over stays in the memory of his friend and family.

Terrorism in India

The terrorism in India is a disaster because many people were threatened and many hotels were destroyed. In the city of Mumbai was attacked last week by Afganistan people who wanted something from the Indians. I suppose the attacked Mumbai because that is a wealthy city. They killed about 10 people that were staying in one of the hotels. The man and his son that were killed had been staying in that hotel for a vacation and they came from the United States. That is probably why they were killed because they came from America. Terrorists shouldn't take their anger out on destroying other people's homes and bombing everything they think id bad.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Just A Few Weeks Til Christmas

Christmas is almost here and everybody has their gifts and some don't. Kids are excited and are jumping for joy when they hear Christmas songs on the radio and when they heard that their parents went shopping for their presents. What they don't know is what their parents got for them cause in this time the economy is really bad so not man y people went shopping on black friday and most of the stuff that the stores were selling was still there. So appreciate what you get for Christmas because its better than getting nothing.

Monday, December 1, 2008

HIV Still Alive in the United States

HIV is stilll alive and running in the whole world! Moany people are passing this disease that kills your white cell sacks that help your immune system fight the infection of a cold or flu. Everyone is passing this disease in many ways. One way is to have sexual contact and by sharing needles with people who do have AIDS or HIV. They have not found a cure for the actual disease but they invented pills that help fight the invention but don't eliminate the actual disease that cause the white cell sacks to disappear. Well until then we haven't discovered any actual cures for HIV but maybe in the future scientists will invent a different drug that can help more with this situation.